Thursday, September 4, 2008

Talking under Moonlit skies

sometimes the very little things influence you the most.

for me it was the moncake festival we had on the 4th september 2008.

although the mooncakes or the booze wasn't quite the influencer... (okla i would be lying if the latter did not play even a minuscule role)

it was a story of an adorable friend who had his first kiss with his girlfriend ( i would vote best story, thank you. K$ *a^ R*i

it was a story of a boy who was called a sissy, a nerd and an antisocial that finally became an intelligent, confident hunk in the eyes of PM4 (not necessarily girls...)

It was about a boy clarifying his love for his biscuits and reinforcing his

love for his Mother.

It was a story about meeting third parties and being third parties.

It was a story of full rectification from pre-secondary-depression to cum laude excellence.

It was a story about interclass love and courting the right one.

It was a story of the ideal other half.

It was a debate about lust or love at first sight,

It was about a philosophical ranting about that hormone induced state of mind .

It was a debate whether going to the Mamak thereafter would be an anticlimax (followed by Timothy making sexual analogies to it...)

it was the story of us.

a diffusion of truth and opinion under a moonlit (okla it was all clouds) sky in a playground.

it was not about roshan getting topsy or jason stripping to his bare, buff essentials or daniel questioning God.

it was not about throwing people into the pools (ok i might be having second thoghts about this... let me recover from hangover 1st)

it was the openness we or rather some very good friends showed.

and that fired up emotions, stirred up thought.

and that all happened quaintly under the moonlit (heavily clouded), wet pavemented playground.

i was very moved because the first sentence defines me.

and i felt i did not do justice to all of you.

so blog i shall as you have so generously exposed your hearts that starry, moonlit sky (clouded, once again)

i did not do justice because i don't really fancy being put in the spot (like Mr Lek)

i prefer typing everything out shortgun style...

and i think i have the answer now as to the most significant event in my past 1 year (not past 18 yearsla... don't torture me with such soul searching)

and i think i have answered it with this post

we should do more of this, seriously...

as in Daniel's own (actually cut and paste then put back into his mouth) words:

"yay, i get..... to listen and i get to talk under a moonlit (actually cloudy) sky in the wee hours of the night"

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