Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Daniel lee: the biscuit boy, a critical review

i critically put forth this thesis/review on the video below:

  • Daniel's love for biscuits was portrayed with such strength because of the presence of a competitor for his love: ken Vin.
  • The biscuit was symbolic for roundness, perfection and daniel's love for pregnant mothers. In fact i would dare theorized it symbolizes a Mother. A mother gives you comfort, food to eat and is symbolic for giving life. In baptism rituals of christians, a biscuit symbolises the flesh of Jesus Christ himself. daniel was playing into that to send across his message
  • there was a certain element of mysticism in it: the line starts with " if i let you go you will never know" it is symbolic of the perversities and complexities of love.
  • the video has delivered a greater and much stronger message for homosexuality than Broke Back mountain
  • the hint of pointy hair was a strong undertone that love is enetring rough terrain.
  • Daniels charater hints of a paradise we all forget, the paradise of youth and virility and of playfulness. He hints that perhaps we should go back to that paradise where we are just satisfied by the hint of that all delicious biscuit and maybe just perhaps ponder on loving biscuits more.

Biscuits symbolising a greater love.


pure brilliance

Ken vin has come out with a spine chilling and brain slicing satire on the root and true essence of homosexuality and love.

and it serves second hand as a biscuit advertisement.

just one imperfecture: he should have used a Tiger biscuit.

But who cares, rite?


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