Friday, August 22, 2008


Hey people!=D

Just wanted to wish u guys GOOD LUCK for AS trials.

I heard it started last Thursday, right?

You guys will do well since PM4 intellectual levels are above all ;)

Miss u guys..Jamie, May Suen and I are on holidays now. We should come meet you guys, when does trials end?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Scandal 2: kong chia yew is a scared guy

there are hints of paedophilia towards him. there fore he has gone into hiding under the protection of a certain aunty.

New laws have been passed restricting contact between perpetrator and he victim.

here is the sensational words and crime of the perpetrator:

" i like small girls. I have to see you for lunch."

" i like certain young boys. Those cute cute like chia yew one"

don't treat this as a joke

together we can stamp out paedophilia

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

They define us

i just love how they look before we irritated them to the point of no return :p