Thursday, May 7, 2009


Welcome Miss Yap to a world you have never known existed. You would have got this address from that very nice gift we peeamfourians got for you.

we would think that you would guess that we were already tak betul a little when we started playing dress-up

Jason getting pregnant

daniel having big assets and showing them off unceremoniously in a bathrobe

Timothy dressing up and making up as a 90 year old woman

This blogspot has been running for months but we knew the wisdom of keeping this very pleasant surprise from you until we all say our goodbyes.

From the start of this blog, we have always been theorizing whether you were aware of the existence of this blog ( Note: If you are one who is fond of googling yourself, then ... hint..hint...)

Anyway, without beating around the bush, welcome Miss Yap to the blogspot of a class who have not really got the right screws in the right places up there.

We have spun numerous tales of distant lands and fantastical circumstances throughout our 1 and a half years at Taylor's, of which unfortunately, only a small fraction (the milder ones : smirk) is documented in this blog.

We hope that this blog will only bring two things:

1) As a means of contact and fellowship among the peeamfourians and you. We will continue to update this blog, spinning either tales that don't quite make sense or more serious commentaries which are classified as "State of the PM4 Commentaries". We sincerely hope that you will continually check this blog, comment once in a while and pour attention on your 23 beloved hunks and models , especially those who need it the most... read: Ko :P

2) As a record of events be a truly awesome class, that will one day do great things. We want you Miss Yap, to open this blogspot 20 years later and see articles documenting each of the 23 models and hunks making this world a better place and then click on the archives to find in great horror the nonsense these 23 hunky and model-ly superheroes of the world once wrote and spoke of.
NOw, Teacher, be also proud that you have one more thing to show off to your colleagues :P

I am also proud to say that we have not deleted a single thing from this blog before presenting it to you (although we did practise discretion on what goes up at first :P)

I thus end with the hope that we will not break such endothermic bonds with such a fantastic teacher.

And we hope you do not find reason or enough energy to break those bonds too...



PS: WE hope nothing is offensive on this blog. All the stories are borne out for our immense love for our class mates and lecturers. If at all anything is found to be offensive, we sincerely apologise. WE do not want untoward incidences of certificates being withheld afterall... (a grin and a smirk)

This Blog has been mainly contributed by

Lim WEi Zhen

KOng Chia YEw

Daniel Lee

ESther Lee

Lek Ken Vin

Jason Chai

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