Friday, May 8, 2009

Jamie Lohsoh Day

I have started the social experiment of asking in my class

"Where is Jamie ahhh?"

as if she had never left and she was just absent due to a dis-ease.

when in fact she left after the ratification of the Jamie Lohsoh Agreements for INTEC.

It has elicit responses that has really made me burst out laughing.

Loh shin Yi,

was asked in an sms about the PM4 people's scattering the same question

Lol she paid no attention to all the sentimental stuff in the message but just answered the questionby saying

I'm Sorry.... i don't know where jamie is...

I burst out laughing naturally.

Celebrate Jamie Lohsoh Day every 2nd of june

When the sambil lewa attitude stops, the killing can too...

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