Saturday, June 14, 2008

Press Release

Prae Medicina 4 Studios presents an original new series,

Nyoke Lee's Family is a smart, highly entertaining dramedy that will literally blow your minds off with its diverse yet kiasu cast, witty & intelligent dialogue ("awesome", anyone?) & its impeccably timed punchlines ("Teacher, the earth goes around the moon?")

Following the lives of 29 very prolific students from class PM4 of Sekolah Menjahit, Nyoke Lee's Family captures the drama & laughter as these bunch of students embark on a journey of turning strangers into friends, kicking Jambatan C.A.M's ass in A-Levels & driving their lecturers up the radioactive wall in the process.

The show's title character, Nyoke Lee, is a renowned Chemistry lecturer with a penchant for flying without wings. As the January 2008 intake for the prestigious Jambatan C.A.M. A-Levels programme at Sekolah Menjahit begins, Nyoke Lee undertakes the seemingly simple job as PM4's class mentor. Little did she expect the Herculean task that lay ahead of her.

Not that PM4 was a problematic class. Far from it. Boasting some of the best brains of the country, PM4 students were very hardworking (or so they seemed during the first few weeks) & with half of them on scholarship, it was evident that good grades was a common goal between students & lectures alike. What Nyoke Lee had not anticipated, however, was the... 'one-of-a-kind' ness - 29-of-a-kind? - of PM4.

Nyoke Lee's Family

For example, though Nyoke Lee had had foreign students before, she had no idea how to deal with the Kalimantan student who swam regularly across the South China Sea & suspiciously got himself elected Finance Minister of PM4.

& then there was the girl who killed with her silent laughter, the World Nuclear Association delegate who loves all the mothers in the world, the Zouk clubber who sleeps in class & moonlights as an evil dictator, just to name a few.

As the series develops, buses are stopped & chased after, legs are poked & caressed, sexualities are debated & questioned & a host of other interesting developments crop up.

With such a quirky mix of eclectic characters, there is never a dull moment in Nyoke Lee's Family.

Keep your eyes glued for Nyoke Lee's Family.

*Season One has just ended its run on the 12th of June, 2008. It will soon be premiering on blogspot.


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