Thursday, June 19, 2008

Class T-Shirt Design Suggestions

Sorry, Kong, I did this before I saw your recent post.

But anyways, the Class T-Shirt Design is of UTMOST importance. We have to at least agree somewhat on a design before I meet the T-shirt people, hopefully sometime next week.

So we shall put it to a vote. Either

Click for larger view

Since Jason our Future Millionaire insists on asserting his "awesome-ness"
The back part is just supposed to be like our names scribbled at the back.

Click for larger view

The colours in the 'PM4' is required so we can distinguish between names. But as to which colours to use, it's negotiatable.

So vote separately for one FRONT & one BACK. You can interchange the front & back designs. Kong's idea is still up for voting as well.

As for T-Shirt colour, white T-Shirt with black writings. [Except for the PM4 part].

Please leave your votes under "comments". DO NOT put your votes on the tagboard. Those will not be considered.

Stay classy.


Unknown said...
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Chiun Min said...

my name is Ng Chiun Min. And, I say, I interested in first, Getting MY name, spelt RIGHT! chIUn Min... yes, thats all to it..
haha, oh, the awesome word is very not bad, but i'd rather have the more aggressive approach of, Yeah, So what? My class is better than ur Class!

Lol, regards from me, CHIUN MIN!

Esther said...

1st back and 2nd front..I still like the "our class is better than yours" thing.

bt i do wanna fit in the intel sign somehow put in the front or sthg...wld it be too crowded?

Jamie Soo Siew Yuin said...

Something I would like to ask.

What will be your answer when the real and very alive Aunty Nyoke Lee asks, "Is this Nyoke Lee on your T-shirt referring to me?"

Awaang Kolo said...

miss yap will believe in chiun min ...i vote for... my class is better than urs and enlarge the fonts

Zhen Lim said...

Sorry CHIUN Min! I did that a few months back when I wasn't really sure how everyone's names were spelt. I didn't bother checking again when I posted this.

Jamie, I, erm, guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It will be an interesting spectacle though. :P

Daniel lee said...

our class IS better than anyones. so y dont flaunt it? its reality. people should face it.