Sunday, June 29, 2008

the homo peeamfourians lecture series

good morning

following the success of the first lecture:

i will today present a further short lecture that packs as much controversy as salman rushdie's satanic verses.

my intellectual activities will soon be limited after this lecture by a certain relative of mine

but this post is as necessary as daniel needs his mother and su ern needs her buses and li wei needs his cars and ken in needs his dress shirts and wei zhen needs her books and timothy needs his nyoke lee and marcel needs his kolo- mee and ko needs his back to be broken

right.. that wasn't necessary but bear with me.

this lecture will change your life.

this lecture is about the

the pseudo- homo peeamfourians

yes the not really a homo peeamfourians

want to know who it is;

yes people his name sounds like, looks like and tastes like

john khoo wei juan

MEchanisM of hybridisation

he was a friend of lek, the guy who most probably ken vin any competition. this caused a, what i call, hybridisation opportunity. the second order hybridisation opportunity came with the Royal Club of The Cucumbers. John Khoo is a man infatuated with cucumbers. he could not resist.

and the Prime Hybridisation gross opportunity was non other then our dictator: :p

now some say the semi prime hybridisation opportunity was this;

anyways a run through the characteristics of ths strange specie:

  • he would really like to become Mr Darcy

  • he isnt ready for girls yet

  • he is undergoing his romantic period

  • he studies at some secluded area in the jungles of Malaysia- some say that its near kalimantan's house but this has been proven to be untrue using a ko-kong diagram (click on link up there)

  • he knows 3 kims

  • he is a male

there that sums up all he is :p

i have through this lecture risked my ownership by the dictator, but i don not care....:p i now embody the spirit of sybil kathigasu and M. Suresh.

thank you

1 comment:

Jamie Soo Siew Yuin said...

Genius Kong, Genius!!!

The best blog post ever!