Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the night before christmas

best read with the nutcracker song playing;

it was a silent and strangely also luminescent night

Ko tucked into bed at twilight

as he dozed he went deeper and deeper still

into the realm of nyoke lee

he dreamt santa yap came tohis roof

went down thru the toilet pipe into his room

and there she stood and lookjed for a while

and then she rushed to find ko's socks

she hung it on his wall next to his teddy bears

and then out of her LV bag

she took curious things

that could not be ascertained

without attention

but as the moon's glow shone more brightly

everyone could see

that it wasn't toys or a cherry

she put in dozens of pipette fillers into the sock

hoping Ko will be happy and nice

hoping her burettes willcontinue to entice...

1 comment:

Jamie Soo Siew Yuin said...

This is so bloody brilliant,so Kong! It left me so speechless, so exasperated, so amused. Hats off I bid to Mr Kong who once again has done it again.

Now I am trying to think what will be running through Ms Yap's mind when she reads this.