Thursday, November 13, 2008

kong, the class hamster.

please note the followin extract is from kong's grandaughter's blog:
"first.. who to introduce? Kong la sure..
Who is Kong?Kong Chia Yew la..
Y Kong first?
The eldest in my family my grandfather mer..
hmm... my AH GONG ah..
cute cute lo..
cuz lee mei said tis :'kong u r so cute!'
smart smart lo..
a LITTLE BIT naughty which u will not realise at first...
hmm.. i rmb his coursemates said tis :' do u love ur mother?'
hmm yes.. i love my ah gong ah ma papa mama gor gor jie jie guai lui n guai zai.."

well, straight to the point,
kong is cute.
pictures say a thousand words. to illustrate my point...

no one can deny it.
kong is cute.
like a hamster.
or a hedgehog.
lyin on its back.
scratchin itself.
the cuteness...
one can get drunk on it.

1 comment:

Daniel lee said...

lolz, feel lik keepin kong in a cage n feed him sunflower seeds evrydy.