Friday, October 3, 2008


Honestly, dah-lings, I'm quite disappointed.

Did you really for one moment think that I would actually let that fluffy, straight out from Alice In Wonderland layout be printed in our CAL magazine?

Tsk tsk...

Did you really think I have such... 3-year-old taste?

Okay so maybe my Anastasia character would have [yes, that's what I've named my Enchanted character. You know, the one who bursts spontaneously into song?]. But this is Zhenelle we're talking about here.

[by the way Zhenelle speaks with a British accent. Go back & read the start of the post again, this time with a British accent]

Oh well, fear not, this is how your class page is going to look like. For real now, dah-lings.

Ignore the bluish tinge. I don't want you to see the final product properly till it's done.

Till next time, dah-lings. I'm off to have my cup of tea.

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