Tuesday, February 3, 2009

War Crimes Exposed

She made us stand on chairs
She made hundreds and hundreds of lies (on her relationship) to us

She took away our freedom of speech

She took Ko's name away (by calling him Mr Khoo)

She rolled Roshan's name and thus induced trauma and scars on him that will last a lifetime

The sufferings of the Shoba kalimuthun regime were countless, vast and unimpeded
She killed millions of trees mercilessly and tainted their dead bodies (which she impaled and sliced into a million pieces) with Maths questions

Grace be to God that her crimes are now exposed in the open...

Let us not suffer in the future,
When the sambil lewa attitude stops,
the killing can too....
Congratulations and hope you become a mother of many many young dictators soon...

1 comment:

Jamie Soo Siew Yuin said...
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