Wherefore art thou abandoned?
What has become of your family?
All busy with their new lives, as it seems.
We have the largest group in IMU - Chia Yew, Michelle, Shin Yee, Hui Chuin, Marcel, with Ko, Tim and Beng Ying due to join them in two months
The next largest group in the UK. Sorta.
London - myself, Kim and Li Wei
Edinburgh - Su-Ern and Ken Vin
Nottingham - Roshan
Cardiff - Jason
Sheffield - Chiun Min
Then there are those scattered elsewhere
Sharon in Harvard
Kai Lun in Russia
Aly in HELP
Joanne in PMC
Daniel, Aussie-bound
Leelian the activist
Shin Yi still MIA
Not forgetting the devolved ones,
Jamie in U Penn
Geetha in Indonesia
Poh Hui about to leave to Aussie soon-ish
May Suen and Esther still in INTEC
Sue Wei in Cardiff
Hwang Yang just finished his A-Levels
And the pseudos!
John in Nilai
Hui Ning in St Andrews
William to start in IMU
Oh yes, all leading very busy lives as we each embark on our own journeys of life.
Still, we have the Book of Travelling Secrets, keeping us all together.
It is now due to pass from the hands of Charles to that of Ah Lek Ken Vin.
And I am certain that despite the apparent lack of activity on the blog's part, or the Facebook group, PM4 is never far from our minds.
I know it isn't for me.
What lies ahead for the Family?
Only time will tell.